Audio/Visual club members unite!! The masters of Prog-Rock; RUSH have seen a strange bit of pop-culture exposure of late. I have been a fan of RUSH since I was about 12 years old. Their amazing musicianship and intricate songs practicly were the soundtrack to my early teenage years. As much as they are praised by fans and musicians alike, rock critics have typically ignored them or panned them over the years. RUSH are not yet in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame even though they are the 4'Th highest selling rock artist in history. Oh yeah, and The Dave Clark Five ARE in the Hall of Fame so take that for what it's worth.
So recently I just read a fantastic 4 page article about them in the current Rolling Stone and last night they were actually on the always awesome Colbert Report. This marked RUSH's first television appearence in over 30 years!!
For the 2 people who dig RUSH and read this blog, check out the entire episode here. It is full of inside Rush references AND they rock Tom Sawyer!!!
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