So last night I had the distinct pleasure to see my favorite band in maybe my favorite city.....Wilco in Madison, WI. The setting couldn't have been better; a sunny, warm early fall day, Wilco's fantastic new album being a week old, 10'th row center seats (thanks Bruce), all while playing in the acoustically perfect venue of Overture Hall. I have seen Wilco countless times since around 1996 and with all sincerity, I can say they have never sounded better then they did last night. With the band's core members solidified for for 3 albums now, they are simply a well oiled machine that even on their "off" nights, would certainly blow most acts off the stage
Appropriately opening with the new "Capital City" segueing into the album's gorgeously epic closer "One Sunday Morning", the band quickly threw down that this was a night to celebrate the new. In fact, a whopping 9 songs were played from the new album, yet each one fit perfectly into the set aside the familiar tunes, as if we've known them for years
I realize I am still buzzing from the show, but I can honestly say that the first 12 songs of the set had me completely transfixed and in awe. I have seen epic Wilco gigs in the past, but this was like Wilco on steroids. It's just amazing to see a band you truly love playing better than ever and continuing to evolve in front of your eyes. I suspect most in the audience would love any Wilco show at this point, but the band is no way content to stay the same and that was obvious in their intensity and boundrey pushing last night. See them soon if you can and remember what they were like. I suspect it won't stay that way for long.....
Wilco: Madison, WI October 6, 2011
Capitol City>
One Sunday Morning
Poor Places>
Art Of Almost
I Might
Black Moon
Bull Black Nova
Impossible Germany
Born Alone
Jesus, etc.
Handshake Drugs
War On War
Box Full Of Letters
Standing O
Via Chicago
Dawned On Me
A Shot in the Arm
Whole Love
36 Inches High [Jim Ford] (w/Nick Lowe on lead vocals and electric guitar)>
I Love My Label [Nick Lowe] (w/Nick Lowe on vocals and electric guitar)
I'm The Man Who Loves You
Outtasite (Outta Mind)
Nice review Dave! Be advised it has been passed along to the Wilco family! Your ol' pal, Bruce
Yep. Just like Dave said this was a fantastic show. I have seen every tour, I think, since 1995, beginning at the Blue Note in Columbia, Missouri and I think this was the freshest and most exhilarating. Seriously, Box Full of Letters and One Sunday's Morning in the same show? This was truly a Wilco fan's dream.
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